When I run node build on this it works the first time. Then when I modify some code that is being built. Build watch fails most of the time to build properly and I get errors.
It works usually the first 2 times.
var stealTools = require("steal-tools");
stealTools.build( {
config: __dirname + "/package.json!npm",
}, {
sourceMaps: true,
bundleSteal: true,
minify: false,
watch: true
} );
Most of the time I get this error in the browser.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
main.js?version=f82b611…:6370Error loading "package.json!npm" at <unknown>
Error loading "npm" at http://dev.drivetrain.com/npm.js
Not Found: http://dev.drivetrain.com/npm.js undefined
The code that throws this error, in my main.js that gets built in the /dist/ folder, that I am including.
var oldSteal = global.steal;
global.steal = makeSteal(System);
global.steal.startup(oldSteal && typeof oldSteal == 'object' && oldSteal)
.then(null, function(error){
if(typeof console !== "undefined") {
// Hide from uglify
var c = console;
var type = c.error ? "error" : "log";
c[type](error, error.stack);
global.steal.clone = cloneSteal;
global.steal.addSteal = addSteal;
Terminal throws this in yellow.
WARNING: Can't find dependency package.json!npm in graph.
Sometimes I get an error that says something along the lines of System is not defined, I couldn’t recreate it this time, but it happens quite often.
This is not caused by a syntax error in the code that I am editing, this happens even if I edit the text of a comment, or even a .stache template.