Stylesheet parents are not working as expected in DocumentCss

I’m trying to set up my site’s documentcss styleguide but I’m having trouble with stylesheets and parents. My understanding from the documentation is that if I set a stylesheet to have a parent, that stylesheet should should up in the sidebar under that parent in the sidebar.

When I set the parent to something other than the top parent, the item shows up not in the sidebar but in the parent stylesheet as another style item.

For example, I have this stylesheet declared:
* @stylesheet forms Forms
* @parent styles

And then elsewhere this stylesheet declared:
* @stylesheet formInputs Form Input Fields
* @parent forms

From the documentation, I would expect my sidebar to be as follows:

  • Styles
    • Forms
      • Form Input Fields

Instead, my sidebar is the following:

  • Styles
    • Forms

and Form Input Fields is nested within the Forms stylesheet like this:


Is this a problem in our configuration or are we doing something wrong? How do I make new stylesheets show up in the sidebar under the appropriate parent? According to other developers on my team, this once worked but no one knows when it stopped working.