i want load google.com in iframe , and start funcunit test on that
but i have errors !
we have CORS protection , so i created reverse proxy with docker and nginx , and i set some header proxy
but also i have problem
docker build -t nginx-google-docker-image-v1 .
after image build then need to run with step 4)
4)docker run --restart always -d -p 8001:8001/tcp -p 8081:8081/tcp -p 8086:8086/tcp -p 8886:8886/tcp --name nginx-google-docker nginx-google-docker-image-v1
justin i solved CORS protection ,
but there is another issue.
see this link :
site load inside iframe
but test commands doesn’t work
[enter] not worked
F.speed = 500;
test(‘basic todo functionality’, function() {
var newTodo = F(’#lst-ib’, 0);
newTodo.type(‘ematec [enter]’);
newTodo.type(‘is [enter]’);
newTodo.type(‘awesome! [enter]’);