Donejs and SEO without nodejs server

I’d like to ask if is it possible to set up donejs on apache server and still have website seo friendly?

Google crawler understands JavaScript now. So presumably you can have SEO without any server-side-rendering. Google’s understanding of JavaScript isn’t well documented. So you might want to do a little experimentation.

DoneJS’s server-side rendering needs a node server.

Why is your apache server unable to run NodeJS? Thanks!

To sum up I did experiment. I deployed on shared hosting production version of chat demo with additional heading tags - placed /dist and htmls in public_html. Then started one of the web seo analyzer. In result I received null H-tags. But when I checked chat demo from your web H-tags were visible. I think that solution with nodejs is more secure for SEO.

Yeah, it looks like there are certain factors that lead Google (and other search engines?) to index pages after executing JS. I thought this article and its HN thread were enlightening.