In this meeting, we’ll discuss the results from our second survey and give demos of what we’ve been working on recently.
Please add topics for discussion (and your status if you’re a contributor).
Live stream:
Survey results discussion starts at 35:31
Attendees: @imaustink @BigAB @chasen @chrisbitme @justinbmeyer @matthewp @phillipskevin
We discussed Module warnings unavoidable when importing inside config dependency, Module loaded twice warning is conducive to false positives, and Prevent false positive ‘loaded twice’ warnings. Our conversation resulted in Matthew opening this PR: Prevent false positive ‘loaded twice’ warnings
Epics & issues:
- Add a Routing guide
CanJS 4.0 —
46 / 132
- Improvements to debugging zone issues
- Integrate can-dom-data into Can proper
Make CanJS easier to debug —
0 / 7
Make it easier to configure and understand can-set —
0 / 48
- Minimize bundle size with tree-shaking
StealJS website updates —
0 / 69
- Working With Forms Guide