DoneJS Contributors Meeting – 2018-03-16 (survey 4 results!)

Please add topics for discussion (and your status if you’re a contributor).

Live stream (note we’re starting at 10 a.m. Pacific):

Summary of the survey results:

Proposals we’ve started or have committed to tackling:

Survey 4 results:

Last 2 Weeks:

Next 2 Weeks:

  • can-query
  • CanJS guide for DWB
  • CanJS 4.0 highlights


  • can-query work

Last two weeks:

  • Helped update our recipes for CanJS 4
  • Conducted a usability study

Next two weeks:

  • Create can-dom-data and a {{data}} helper replacement for CanJS 4
  • Work on improving routing for components

Last two weeks:

Next two weeks:

  • can-query