The core team will walk through the proposals for what we should focus on next. The proposals will be posted here before the livestream.
Note: the stream time is subject to change.
Since our last survey, we’ve shipped:
Proposals we’re currently working on:
- Create DevTools for CanJS
- Make it easier to configure and understand can-set
- Minimize bundle size with tree-shaking
- Improve routing to components
Proposals we still intend to tackle:
New proposals for this survey:
- Easy state management for React with can-observe (3:23, follow-up discussion at 40:17)
- Improve the content of the CanJS documentation (8:49)
- Improve’s usability (10:57)
- Make it possible to support IE11 (13:19)
- Support object literals, shorthand assignment, spread and rest-ish operators (15:48)
Proposals in this survey that have been in previous surveys:
- Support JSX template syntax (18:19, follow-up discussion at 40:17)
- Quick prototype scaffolding for observables (21:08)
- Add a “SSR Tips and Tricks” guide (29:46)
- Add a Data Guide (32:34)
- Add event modifiers to stache (33:40)
- Make CanJS compatible with how webpack strips out dev code (34:36)
- Release StealJS 2.0 (37:01)
- Add docs for customizing the generator templates (38:36)
Things we’re considering for future surveys:
- Component-based (declarative) routing
- Ideas to improve how to architecture applications with CanJS and How to manage state & data flow
- Create stache animation guide and functionality