Latest can-assign release is breaking build

The latest release of can-assign@1.3.2 is breaking our build when using DoneJS 0.9

        throw new Error('Unable to load dependency ' + name + '.');

Error: Unable to load dependency can-assign@1.3.2#dist/cjs/can-assign.
    at getModule (node_modules\steal-systemjs\dist\system.src.js:629:15)
    at node_modules\steal-systemjs\dist\system.src.js:672:16
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:node_modules/can-util/js/assign/assign.js:20:37)
    at file:node_modules/can-util/js/assign/assign.js:22:4
    at file:node_modules/can-util/js/assign/assign.js:22:98
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:50:33)
    at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:139:38)
    at doEval (node_modules\steal-systemjs\dist\system.src.js:2059:10)
    at __eval (node_modules\steal-systemjs\dist\system.src.js:1976:7)
    at Loader.exec [as __exec] (node_modules\steal-systemjs\dist\system.src.js:339:5)

Is there something else we need to upgrade in order to make this work? For now we are just manually downgrading back to 1.3.1 using npm.

Thanks for reporting. Can you create an issue?

It is fixed in 1.3.3.