Documenting many separate modules in a single site

The canjs API documentation pulls documentation from many modules into a single site. Is there any reference material for how to set something like this up? Even just pointing to the pertinent files on github would be helpful. Our application is currently divided into many modules similar to canjs and we are looking at how to set up the documentation properly. I believe at some point bit-docs was supposed to make it easy do this, but I’m not sure what that state of that currently is.

Bitovi University’s bit-docs config is probably the easy place to start:

You’ll notice that repo has a static and templates folder that act as overrides:

In CanJS, the glob setting goes looking for things starting with can- in node_modules:

Thanks, this is very helpful.

Out of curiosity is there anything that you use to generate release notes across multiple modules?

We have a script to do this: