Please add topics for discussion (and your status if you’re a contributor).
LIve stream:
Attendees: @chrisbitme, @pYr0x, @phillipskevin, @m-mujica, @matthewp, @cherif_b, @chasen
How should we handle can-migrate for 3.0 -> 4.0?
- Ideas: different can-migrate packages, different versions of can-migrate for different migrations, different transforms for different upgrades, etc.
- Agreed that we should only have one version of can-migrate and include 3.0 and 4.0 specific transforms, e.g.
can-migrate --transform upgrade/can-4.js
Easier compatibility with a can-3-4 package:
- Discussed whether we should include the inserted and removed events with can-stache-bindings because it already includes the enter event
- Decided to remove the enter event from can-stache-bindings by default
- Agreed to create a separate, namespaced/versioned compat package that would only add the events once
Julian’s tweet about CanJS having a component framework:
- Lots of great discussion, but to summarize a potential next step: create a list of components that would be good to show how to build in our recipes/guides, then elicit the community’s help in building out the examples
Epics & issues: