This may seem trivial, but I keep getting confused by passages in the documentation where properties are named with the generic term for the property they represent. Here are some examples:
At, the property which controls the state of the ATM is named state:
<p>Invalid state - {{state}}</p>
At, the variable representing the element with class current is named current:
<div class='current' style="left: {{howFarWeHaveMoved}}px">
var current = el.querySelector(".current");
var startingX;
this.listenTo(current, "pointerdown", (event) => {
At, the word time is used as:
a. The View element used to show the time in the stache, digital, and analog clocks:
view: '<p>{{time}}</p>
<digital-clock time:from="time"/>
<analog-clock time:from="time"/>'
b. The ViewModel elements used to format the time for the above two Views:
ViewModel: {
time: Date,
hh() {
ViewModel: {
time: {Default: Date, Type: Date},
init() {
c. The value returned by the listener to the time element’s ViewModel:
this.listenTo("time", (ev, time) => {
I suppose this does not trouble seasoned programmers who read code by context more than content, but it confuses me.* At least in the Guides I wish there were names which make it obvious they are names only, so I don’t confuse a property with a keyword or with other properties with the same name.
Here are some possible substitutions for the above examples:
1.<p>Invalid state - {{ATMstate}}</p>
2. var currentEl = el.querySelector(".current");
var startingX;
this.listenTo(currentEl, "pointerdown", (event) => {
view: '<p>{{nowTime}}</p>
<digital-clock digiTime:from="nowTime"/>
<analog-clock anaTime:from="nowTime"/>'
ViewModel: {
digiTime: Date,
hh() {
ViewModel: {
nowTime: {Default: Date, Type: Date},
init() {
this.listenTo("anaTime", (ev, timeLsn) => {
The above names could probably be better; I find them less confusing because they are distinct both from one another and the items (state, class current, time) they represent. Thanks for reading!
*Imagine that, knowing little English, you are sent to the library for a book named Title, written by Author. Certainly this book could exist, and if you surmount the challenge find it you get a free jump-start with your language skills. But what if you don’t make it past the laughing librarians?
See also: Who’s On First?
I haven’t see any responses to this post; not sure if it was understood, so here’s another example, from the Video Player recipe:
tag: "video-player",
view: `
<video controls
<source src="{{src}}"/>
{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
ViewModel: {
src: "string",
playing: "boolean",
The variable used to initialize src=
is named src
, resulting in the code <source src="{{src}}"/>
. Naming this variable vidsrc
instead would improve comprehension.