if i using the donejs development environment with https://github.com/donejs/donejs-vagrant i can easily start a donejs app. i start the server by donejs develop. a http-server comming up and also a live-reload server.
if i change the index.stache file the live-reaload server said: Reloading we@0.0.0#index.stache!done-autorender@0.6.0#autorender
Ok, but the browser (chrome) does not refresh the page. i make a port forwarding for 8012 to my host system (windows).
Don’t you want the opposite? You are looking at the app through your host system (browser is running on the host system) but the live-reload server is running in your Vagrant. So you want to forward 8012 to the vagrant IP, no?
When you start you server you should see this message:
Received client connection
This is the ssr server connecting to the live-reload server.
Then when you start your browser you should see the message again. This is the browser connecting to the live-reload server. If you don’t see the second message, your browser isn’t connected.
came from gulp-livereload - npm where i have to install this chrome plugin that’s connected to live-reload server and refresh the browser.
can i use every port for live reload or is there a limit ?
how those the livereload work, in short words? is it using websocket io to push a new content to the browser? and why is a port needed? is port forwarding needed too?
as you described:
start can-serve with donejs develop
first Received client connection is displayed
connected with a brower to http://localhost:8080, second Received client connection displayed
change files will automaticly update the browser and the content.
Works like a charm!
@matthewp you are right, we want a port forwarding from 8012 from host to 8012 to guest.
the output matthewp described will looke like this:
can-serve starting on http://localhost:8080
Received client connection
Live-reload server listening on port 8012
Received client connection
Reloading we@0.0.0#styles.less!$less
Reloading we@0.0.0#index.stache!done-autorender@0.6.0#autorender
Received client connection
Reloading we@0.0.0#index.stache!done-autorender@0.6.0#autorender
i you want using steal-live-reload without can-ssr (which needed a AppMap) you can install http-server and steal-tools.
start steal-tools live-reload, start http-server and open the browser. live-reload will automatic updated the content if you change a file
can i use every port for live reload or is there a limit ?
how those the livereload work, in short words? is it using websocket io to push a new content to the browser?
You don’t need any of those plugins. DoneJS’s live-reload doesn’t work like that, it doesn’t refresh the browser.
What it does is, when you run
donejs develop
It starts a web socket server on port 8012 (you can specify the port with --live-reload-port in can-serve and live-reload-port="8012" in the steal script tag) and does a trace of your app (like steal-tools build does).
When the browser loads your app it connects to the server on port 8012. When any file changes the live-reload server sends a message to the browser telling it what module changed. The browser code then removes that module, and all of its parents, from the registry and re-imports them.
This means only the modules that actually changed are needed to be re-executed.